电子业的发展和环保工作 人类自工业革命以来,不断发展的生产技术使制造成本不断下降。自动化技术的出现更加剧了这一发展。而由于成本价格的下降,造成产品消费的大众化,大量生产又进一步推动了技术的发展和制造成本的下降…这现象首先出现在汽车行业中。
工业和制造业的发展带给人们更好的物质生活。但却也同时带来了影响人类健康的环境污染问题。而人类也早在60、70年代初就意识到如汽车排气和水银污染等带给人们的危害及严重程度。而开始设立环保机构和通过立法等来协助控制人们对健康环境的危害。其中较大的成就是70年代初从汽车汽油中将铅去掉。而使空气中的铅污化减少了约94%。以及70年代末的从油漆中将铅除去。 电子工业界一直以来也受到环境保护的影响。例如前些时候关注的氯氟碳化合物CFC,卤素,挥发性有机化合物VOC等的废除和控制工作。
如今更是在消除含铅的课题上做了不少的工作。无铅技术的发展,不论在经济、材料技术、工艺技术、生产设备、质量管理、设计、市场、采购,甚至在立法上都造成一定的影响。可以说是电子制造业中,自SMT技术出现以来影响最大的改变。 环保和无铅技术的发展动力 新技术的推动总会带来技术风险,初期的成本压力,以及必须面对改变的心理压力等等问题。
所以一些人对于是否值得在此刻对电子焊接进行无铅化提出质疑。美国企业界一般处于这种心态。 市场考虑也是无铅发展的动力之一。虽然最初的研究开发也许主要为了环保,但当研发到某些程度后,市场就逐渐形成了竞争差异。而市场或经济竞争就也成为推动无铅的重要动力之一。
一般相信,目前来讨论是否应该推行无铅技术已经是为时已晚。政府和业界的投入,以及商业活动已经使无铅势在必行。我们可以用一句话来代表面前的情况。就是“要嘛把铅去掉,要嘛交易免谈”。主要经济体的态度和行动 技术的逐步成熟,市场的诱惑,市场竞争压力,供应的转变,国家的立法以及保护主义将使得无铅技术的广泛采用成为必然的结果。所以即使不太认同电子组装业需要进行无铅化的国家或企业,也都不敢完全放弃有关方面的研究和跟进。虽然大家都为推行无铅化而前进,但代表全球工业的欧、美、日三大经济体的做法不尽相同。
欧洲共同体在国家和工业界的紧密配合方面,以及在立法和教育上做得较好。例如在回收(再循环)法规和管理工具上,经济奖励等方面投入比美、日都多。在研发方面的投入,欧盟十分注重系统性的运作研发,尤其是在针对环保设计方面的工作。欧盟中不论是在企业或国家对相关的教育培训的资助都较美、日来得强。 日本方面,除了在回收(再循环)技术和立法方面做了较多工作外,国家政府对工业界的协助则不如欧盟国家。
工业界本身则十分关注对ISO14000之类的遵从和能量方面的节省。日本企业界有一个特点,就是十分注重环保工作和企业营业策略配合,许多大企业都将环保列为一个竞争手段。而在研发工作上,日本较关注也是在应用科学方面,基础研究不如欧美地区。 美国在无铅方面,早期一直抱着观望的态度。这和先前提到的不认同电子组装业应该采用无铅化方向的心态有关。所以在许多方面的发展投入以及推动力远不如欧、日地区。
这状况一直到了1999年,当美国意识到无铅课题所带来的商务或经济影响更超越环保意义时,才在几个全国性的重大会议后大量的投入相关的研发。美国的研发焦点在材料和材料应用上。 至于其他地区和国家,由于本身的技术、经济能力有限,以及对全球市场供应和作为用户的影响力相对不足。在无铅课题上只能看着以上三大经济体的方向而选择何时跟进。而这所谓的“选择”往往也较被动。 推行无铅的压力 由于无铅的推动并不一定给所有企业带来好处。所以许多企业在这课题上并不主动。而最终是由于压力下才转使用无铅技术的。
压力可能来自三方面,一是需求市场,二是竞争市场,三是供应市场。 需求市场压力即是客户的要求。例如目前已经开始有些来自日本和欧洲的客户要求必须使用无铅技术或产品了。除非您不做他们的生意,否则没有选择。 竞争市场则是同业中竞争对手们已经采用或有能力采用无铅技术,同时以无铅技术作为竞争手段。这时虽然有些客户未必要立刻要求无铅技术,但既然供应商能够提供,而如果成本负担又不增加或在合理范围内时,也许会有些吸引力。这就给那些无法提供无铅的供应商造成了竞争压力,使他们不得不也推行无铅技术。
供应市场的压力会也是个重要的因素。也许目前已经有好些用户已经见到这方面的问题了。就是某些器件或材料已经转供应无铅的,含铅的已经停止供货了。而这种情况会随着无铅的逐渐普及化而更严重,最终将会使那些即是不想转换的用户也必须进入无铅。受到这因素影响最重的是那些需要确保高产品寿命质量的工业,例如军品、医疗设备、航天、航空等等。这些行业占电子业产量只约1%, 在无铅对产品寿命的影响程度还未很好的确定的情况下,如果这样小的市场无法争取到供应界的支持,对这些行业的生产将是个问题。 不论动机是真正的为了环保,或是商业行为,以上的压力所提供的信息很清楚 ---- 不论您是否愿意,最终大家都要采用无铅!
无铅技术带来的改变 既然无可避免的必须转向无铅技术,那么无铅带来的改变和影响应该是大家首先最该关心的。在电子组装业的发展过程中,上一个影响面较大的改变是SMT的出现。那是个“革命性”的改变。如今的无铅技术带来的并不全是革命性的转变,这点是用户所应该搞清楚的。
此主题相关图片如下:表一:无铅技术的发展特性 具备较多的“发展性”当然是件好事,表示我们可以更好的利用以往的经验。然而对于无铅技术来说,这却也非简单。在SMT的发展过程中,我们已经有经历过几次影响较大的“发展”经验,例如免清洗技术、栅阵排列焊端技术(BGA)、Flip-Chip等等。有些用户可能对于这些技术带来的挑战还记忆犹新。
但无铅技术的到来,和以前的几个技术相比之下,其难度和挑战绝对是有过之而无不及。 认识表一中的特性,对于新的无铅用户是重要的。因为技术的引进需要经历一个准备期和过渡期,而什么应该加强,什么可以放弃等等的管理决策和准备功夫,都必须建立在对该技术的发展或革新的特性认识上。 材料上的影响和改变 无铅技术在应用上的最大改变是材料在其特性上和种类多样化上的变化。尤其在焊料合金方面研发成果十分多。
只在某些特定应用上才可能会出现需要特别照顾的。 材料除了焊料外,主要的还有器件以及PCB。在器件方面,有两个需要给于关注和考虑的。一是器件焊端的材料种类和成分,另一是器件本体的耐热问题。焊端材料方面,即使在含铅技术中,并不是所有的焊端都采用含铅的金属,例如常用的Ag/Pd,Ni/Au,以及Sn,Ni/Pd,Ni/Au/Cu等等都不含铅的成分。而这些材料都确认能够和某些无铅焊料兼容使用。所以在器件焊端材料上,我们所面对的问题不是太棘手。不过最少还是有三方面的问题困扰着我们。
这也进一步增加难度。虽然目前有解决方案,但高温无铅焊料种类少、成本很高。 器件的第二个问题,是在过渡期间无铅和有铅混合的问题。由于无铅和含铅材料并不完全兼容,所以这混合会带给我们某些问题。例如温度承受能力不足,焊点不良,以及“铅污染”等。 第三个问题,是无铅技术在焊料合金上出现了许多种选择,而这些器件的焊端材料,各种焊料和哪些器件焊端材料能够兼容,兼容程度有如何,其中组合众多,目前的测试资料还是有限。这增加了用户的选择风险和困难。器件整体的耐热也将是个考虑重点。
PCB方面的影响也有二。一是焊盘的防氧化保护层。在含铅技术中常用的锡铅热风整平技术,由于含铅而一定要被除去。但一些也被使用的材料和技术,如电镀镍金、化镍浸金、浸镀银、浸镀锡等都有许多试验结果支持其在无铅技术中的应用。只有OSP(有机保焊层)技术,由于种类和工艺较多,而有些承受不了无铅的高温作业(尤其是双面回流工艺),用户必须较小心的认证选择。业界发表的有些试验报告,也说明了某些OSP使用在无铅高温下不是问题,甚至可以承受4次以上的无铅回流高温(IPC/JEDEC 的 J-STD-020C 标准)。
无铅技术在组装工艺上的影响 ,无铅在工艺上带来的较大改变,是在焊接工艺上。这改变出于无铅焊料熔点上的变化,以及较不被关注的焊剂配方的转变上。较高的焊料合金熔点使焊接温度必须提高,而这温度需求的提高,加上焊剂的新配方,也影响前工序的预热和助焊工艺。而焊接温度的提高,使许多器件材料处于较高的过热风险下,工艺窗口变小了,所以加热工艺的调整要求也提高了。这意味着什么呢?对于用户来说,虽然掌握焊接的原理不变,但以往的焊接工艺规范已经不能使用而必须重新进行工艺认证。
由于器件方面在无铅技术中的改变主要在于耐热能力的加强,焊端材料改变不多,贴片工艺的影响应该十分轻微。唯有在器件工艺特性(注二)处于工艺临界的情况下,贴片压力可能需要更严谨的调整,以补无铅润湿能力较差的特性。 至于波峰焊接工艺方面,焊料熔点增高了之后,助焊剂配方也受到影响。因此预热和焊接工艺参数都必须重新处理。
试验中发现“阴影效应”情况会较含铅技术严重些。这可能需要PCB工艺设计上较好的配合。 其实无铅在工艺设置、工艺调制方法上都没有什么改变。您所需要的只是重新制定您的参数和工艺规范罢了。我往后的文章会在工艺上和读者们分享较深入的知识经验。 无铅在DFM和外观检验上的影响 无铅焊料在焊接特性(如润湿性等)和含铅有所差异,如果要很好的处理工艺,在DFM规范上也必须有所改变。
例如回流中“立碑”、“气孔”等现象以及波峰焊接中的“阴影”现象,在无铅焊接技术中会较严重,如果通过DFM的修改配合,可以很好的预防和解决这类问题。 在DFM中的焊盘和钢网设计部分,由于和焊接工艺密切相关,无铅的出现因此也带来一些影响。此外,一些检查标准,包括MVI和AOI等,也都会有些改变。这是因为无铅焊点的表面状况(光滑度和润湿度)都没有含铅焊点的理想(但不表示有质量问题),所以检验标准也应该给于修改。
无铅在组装设备上的影响 作为支持工艺的设备,主要是在回流炉和波峰焊接炉方面,也因为工艺窗口的缩小而受到影响。基本上是对其工艺控制能力的要求提高了。例如回流炉子的高温能力、加热效率和冷却控制等,以及波峰炉子的预热能力,以及第一波设计和控制等,都必须有较好的表现。而除了工艺能力外,炉子中和无铅锡有直接接触的部分也必须采用适当的材料来抗其腐蚀性。对炉子制造商来说,提高加热温度和采用不同的熔锡槽材料是无铅技术的改革重点。
了解设备真正能力对用户十分重要,这是用户所必须给于注意的。 无铅技术上的总体状况 无铅技术自研发以来,目前对于民用家电以及一些不牵涉人命安全的电子产品上,已经算是门可以被大量使用的技术。焊料上的选择虽然还属于复杂,业界要达至认同善需要一些努力,但趋势已经逐步形成,供应也开始普及。PCB无铅化技术也已可行。器件无铅化,虽然结果尚未及无铅技术理想,暂无法在成本、质量、工艺各方面找到单一优化的选择。但工艺和质量水平已经基本被业界接受,无铅器件供应也逐步普及。
设备方面,受到主要挑战的焊接设备,情况类似器件,虽然还有待改善,但基本能力已有。质量认证方面,在较温和测试条件(温度范围在0 ~ 100oC 之间)下,大多数无铅技术在大部分测试特性的表现下可比美含铅技术,甚至有些表现还更好。不过有关产品长期寿命方面的认证,虽然已经有相当的信心,还有待更多的研究以及实际使用观察来确定。
例如除去铅后高锡含量的金属须(或称金属针)问题还没有真正有效的解决方法。所以在高质量要求,或关系到人命安全的产品上,无铅技术的使用仍然需要进一步研究决定。而对于寿命要求不太高的家电或民用产品,则无铅基本被认为是可行的技术。 无铅技术在商业上的影响 无铅技术的推动,目前已不再纯属环保考虑,而是包含了相当成分的经济和商务意义。无铅技术发展的较好以及能力较强的国家地区,已意识到它可以成为有理的贸易壁垒。
而各个开发商为了确保本身的利益,纷纷对其研究成果申请专利。然而,为了避免采购风险,业界在后期的推动和推荐材料工作上,认同采取了不采用“专利”配方作为其中一个考虑点的做法。 无铅的加工成本会较含铅来得高,但所幸增长不算多。技术和环保虽然重要,但电子业界中价格仍然是个最重要的竞争武器。谁能将无铅转换的成本透明化,谁就较具有竞争力。所以无铅的出现,也给业界带来一次成本重整的机会。
无铅技术推行的问题 推行无铅技术的用户将会遇到几个方面的难处。
5.工艺能力的掌握。无铅工艺的窗口,尤其在必须很好的照顾产品寿命的情况下,较含铅技术小了许多。这就要求用户对工艺的掌握以及质量管理上有更细腻的做法。 无铅对一般国内用户的影响中国电子业界在无铅技术上向来是观望多于投入。这和其市场背景与定位有关。随着无铅推行的逐渐明朗化以及来自其他经济体的商务压力,中国电子业界广泛采用无铅技术的日子也越来越近了。一般相信,中国有可能会跟着欧洲的期限和步伐。也就是在2006年7月1日要求较全面的采用无铅技术。
我个人觉得这期限对中国来说是急了些。这或许是因为对于业界所需要做的工作还没有深入的分析的缘故。不论如何,这期限是否会落实还说不准,就看到时的经济和供应压力,以及业界的担心程度了。 如表一中所示,无铅在好些方面原是“发展性”而非“革命性”。这本对用户有利,但这有利情况未必适合于好些国内用户。原因是,虽然无铅技术是从现有SMT技术发展来的,但其在多方面对技术的要求,较现有含铅技术高得多。而国内一般用户,自接触引进SMT以来,处于一种“重设备、轻工艺”的风气、环境之下。SMT的应用和管理都处于一种浮于表象的状况。
这种现象,也很有可能进一步延续到无铅时代,除非在目前的过渡期中,业界在目前的工艺和管理掌握上能够有较好的认识和改善。无铅的引进效率和效益必须赖于良好的技术研发、认证和管理工作。中国SMT用户在这些方面都不是强项。因此估计将来的救火成本会提高。对于一些行业来说,这可能会增加原本就不大的利润压力。所以用户面对的,不只是一个技术改革,同时也是个成本重组的竞争变化。 国内所面对的问题,仍然会和当初引进含铅SMT技术时一样。差别在于无铅技术中的问题较明显化。
无铅在工作量上是增加了,但工作方法并没有多大的改变。所以对于那些已经很好掌握方法的用户,无铅不会带来太大的问题。而对于那些还不了解SMT及其管理的用户来说,情况似乎也改变不多。以往的工艺质量问题还一样的存在,每天还一样的在救火,企业还依赖技术以外的手段竞争生存。。。一直到其他对手改变了再随后改变。 后语 虽然有不少争议,虽然期限一再展延,虽然无铅的意义从环保意识逐渐偏向商务意识,但无铅技术的大量采用应该是个必然的事。
从整体的考虑上,无铅在寿命要求不是特别高的产品上已属可行的技术,供应方面也已经逐渐普及。我们可以说已经到了无铅时代的门口。 对于这必然出现的改变,扮演跟随角色的中国SMT界也开始面对推行的压力。如果目前的2006年中作为期限的目标的推测属实,对于中国SMT用户来说,时间已不多了。这是因为无铅技术的引进并不是件容易处理的事。它牵涉到的不只是用户本身内部的调整,而是整个供应链和系统性的设计和建设,以及强化以往可能忽略的技术和管理基础(这可是中国SMT界比先进工业国需要多付出时间和努力的一部分)。
Development of the electronics industry and environmental protection Since the industrial revolution, the continuous development of production technology to make manufacturing costs continue to decline. The emergence of automation technology has exacerbated this development. And because of the decline in cost prices, resulting in the popularity of consumer products, mass production and further promote the development of technology and manufacturing costs decline ... This phenomenon first appeared in the automotive industry.
The rapid development of the situation from the Second World War began, until the mid-70s when the gasoline prices rose only to ease the phenomenon. But this is only a short-term pace slowed down. From the late 1970s, with the birth of computer technology and the maturity of the 1980s, the development of industry and manufacturing is even faster. And the joint creation of the user market surge. According to statistics, from the late 70s to the late 90s, the car's ownership has tripled, industrial production demand increased by 10 times, energy consumption up to 4 times, of which the consumption of energy Is up to 8 times more. This illustrates the high speed development of electrical and electronic products. In fact, according to US statistics, electrical and electronics industry in 1996, beyond the other industries began to become the largest industry.
The development of industry and manufacturing brings people better material life. But it also brings the impact of human health environmental pollution problems. And humans as early as the early 60s, 70s realized that such as car exhaust and mercury pollution to bring people the harm and severity. And began to set up environmental protection agencies and through legislation to help control people's health hazards. One of the larger achievements is the early 70s from the car gasoline will be removed from the lead. Leaving the lead pollution in the air reduced by about 94%. And remove the lead from the paint in the late 1970s. The electronics industry has always been affected by environmental protection. Such as chlorofluorocarbon CFCs, halogen, volatile organic compounds, etc., and so on.
Now is to eliminate lead in the subject to do a lot of work. The development of lead-free technology, both in the economy, materials technology, process technology, production equipment, quality management, design, marketing, procurement, and even legislation have a certain impact. Can be said that the electronics manufacturing industry, since the emergence of SMT technology has been the biggest change. The development of environmentally friendly and lead-free technologies The driving force of new technologies will always bring technical risks, initial cost pressures, and the need to face changes in psychological stress and so on.
While the electronics manufacturing industry seems to be at a loss, the impulse to study the lead-free soldering at the same time. There are some other people on this side of the lead-free demand for doubt. The reason for the suspicion is that in the electronics assembly industry, the use of lead mainly comes from welding of solder and devices, PCB solder material. And this amount of lead, but also accounted for about 1% of the total lead use (the maximum amount of lead in the battery, about 8 percent). Other metals used to replace lead in solder, such as silver, nickel, cadmium, antimony, etc., also contain toxic toxins.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency test results, silver and antimony in all tests without any environmental requirements. Therefore, there have been reports, "in the electronic assembly industry to promote lead-free technology, the equivalent of more people spend some money in exchange for some poisoning poisoning outside the lead." Some US-based institutions argue that human research on the use of lead in electronic products through the environment poses a risk to human health, and that research is very lacking, and that it is only a sense of concern. Because lead is harmful to humans, but not necessarily through the way of environmental pollution caused. In fact, some of the environmental research work in the United States in recent years has found that the environmental pollution caused by lead in electronic products is very small, in line with the US Environmental Protection Agency standards (about 10% below the limit).
On the other hand, from the current situation, from lead-free technology, it will bring people a higher cost. These costs come from materials (lead is very economical metal), equipment, learning, research and development, quality management and so on. Coupled with the difficulty of lead-free technology, can not help but cause a lot of waste of quality, in this recovery (recycling) technology is not yet mature time also accelerated the human consumption of the Earth's resources (which also includes some rare metals such as indium usage of).
So some people questioned whether it is worthwhile to conduct lead-free soldering at the moment. The American business community is generally in this state of mind. Market considerations are also one of the driving forces behind lead development. Although the initial research and development may be mainly for environmental protection, but when developed to some extent, the market gradually formed a competitive difference. And market or economic competition has also become one of the important driving force to promote lead-free.
Once the authority of the economic newspaper that Japan's electronics industry, will lead the use of lead-free technology to change the competitive trend of the adverse trend. This is due to Japan in the development of lead-free technology, the system is stronger and better than other countries to do. That is, in technology integration, technology and procurement integration are in a more favorable position. In fact, some Japanese companies, such as Panasonic and Toshiba, have already won good Western markets on some of their products with lead-free technology. In fact, we can also see from Japan's domestic activities, the Japanese business community generally belong to a group of market dynamics.
It is generally believed that it is too late to discuss whether lead-free technology should be implemented. Government and industry investment, as well as commercial activities have made the lead is inevitable. We can use a word to represent the situation before. Is to "go to the lead, to deal with the transaction." The gradual maturity of the major economies and the gradual maturity of the technology, the temptation of the market, the pressure of market competition, the transformation of supply, national legislation and protectionism will make the widespread adoption of lead-free technology become the inevitable result. So even if they do not agree with the electronics assembly industry need to lead the country or business, but also did not dare to completely abandon the relevant aspects of research and follow-up. Although we are all for the implementation of lead-free and forward, but on behalf of the global industry in Europe, the United States, Japan, the practice of the three economies are not the same.
The European Community is well positioned in national and industrial cooperation, as well as in legislation and education. For example, in the recycling (recycling) regulations and management tools, economic incentives and other aspects of investment than the United States, more. In terms of R & D investment, the EU attaches great importance to systematic operational research and development, especially in the design of environmental protection. In the EU, whether in the enterprise or the state of the relevant education and training funding are more beautiful, stronger day. On the Japanese side, in addition to doing more work on recycling (recycling) technology and legislation, the national government's assistance to industry is not as good as that of the EU countries.
The industry itself is very concerned about compliance and energy savings for ISO 14000. Japanese business community has a characteristic, is to pay great attention to environmental protection work and business strategy with many large enterprises will be environmentally friendly as a means of competition. In research and development work, Japan is also concerned about the application of science, basic research as Europe and the United States. The United States in the lead-free, early has been holding wait and see attitude. This and the previously mentioned do not agree with the electronic assembly industry should be used in the direction of lead-free orientation. So in many aspects of the development of investment and the driving force is far less than Europe, Japan region.
This was the case until 1999, when the United States realized that the business or economic impact brought about by the lead-free subject was more environmentally friendly, it was invested in a number of major national conferences. US research and development focus on materials and materials applications. As for other regions and countries, due to their own technology, limited economic capacity, as well as the global market supply and as a user of the relative lack of influence. In the lead-free subject can only look at the direction of the three major economies and choose when to follow up. And the so-called "choice" is often more passive. Lead-free pressure due to lead-free push does not necessarily bring benefits to all enterprises. So many companies in this subject is not active. And ultimately because of the pressure under the use of lead-free technology.
The pressure may come from three aspects, one demand market, the second is the competitive market, the third is the supply market. Demand market pressure is the customer's request. For example, some customers from Japan and Europe have already begun to use lead-free technology or products. Unless you do not do their business, otherwise there is no choice. Competitive markets are competitors in the industry who have adopted or have the ability to use lead-free technology, while lead-free technology as a means of competition. At this time, although some customers do not have to immediately require lead-free technology, but since the supplier can provide, and if the cost burden does not increase or within a reasonable range, may be somewhat attractive. This puts pressure on suppliers who can not provide lead-free, so that they have to implement lead-free technology.
Supply market pressure will also be an important factor. Perhaps there are already some users have already seen this problem. That is, some devices or materials have been transferred to lead-free, lead has stopped the supply. And this situation will become more popular with the lead-free and more serious, and ultimately will make those who do not want to convert the user must also enter the lead-free. The most important factors that are affected by this factor are those that need to ensure the quality of life of high products, such as military, medical equipment, aerospace, aviation, and so on. These industries account for only about 1% of the electronics industry, in the lead-free product life impact of the degree of not yet well determined circumstances, if such a small market can not win the support of the supply sector, the production of these industries will be problem. Whether the motivation is real For environmental protection, or business behavior, the pressure provided above is clear - whether you are willing, and ultimately we will use lead-free!
Lead-free technology to bring the change Since the inevitable must turn to lead-free technology, then lead to the changes and the impact should be the first to be most concerned about. In the electronic assembly industry in the development process, the larger impact of a larger change is the emergence of SMT. That is a "revolutionary" change. Today's lead-free technology is not entirely revolutionary change, which is the user should be clear.
To a certain extent, it belongs to a "development" (evolution) technology. That is, lead-free technology is developed from the existing lead-containing SMT technology. Since its own SMT technology era, the rapid expansion of the user market, so that the industry has recognized the "revolutionary" type of change the harm. So the total amount of research and development of new technology to make it a high degree of retention of the old method (or at least use the old experience). So there is still most of the lead-free technology or technology is "development" (Evolution) rather than "revolution" (Revolution). Table 1 from different aspects of lead-free technology, and that it belongs to the revolutionary or developmental characteristics.
Table 1: The development of lead-free technology with more "development" of course is a good thing, that we can make better use of the previous experience. However, for lead-free technology, this is not simple. In the development of SMT, we have experienced several "development" experiences, such as no-clean technology, wire-array soldering technology (BGA), Flip-Chip, and so on. Some users may still remember the challenges of these technologies.
But the arrival of lead-free technology, and the previous few technologies, compared to its difficulty and the challenge is absolutely beyond it. Knowing the features in Table 1 is important for new lead-free users. Because the introduction of technology requires a period of preparation and transition, and what should be strengthened, what can give up and so on the management decision-making and preparation of effort, must be based on the development of the technology or innovation on the characteristics of understanding. The effect of materials on materials and changes in the application of lead-free technology in the application of the largest changes in its characteristics and species on the diversity of changes. Especially in the solder alloy research and development results are much more.
Although there is not yet a kind of alloy solder and lead-based solder as 'good', but can replace (to meet the application) there are many. As far as I know there are already more than 50 different alloys applied for a patent. So many choices, it is estimated that only a small part will be more widely received by the SMT industry. Sn / Ag / Cu / Sn / Ag / Cu / X (X represents other metals such as bismuth, indium, etc.), Sn / Ag / Cu / , Sn / Ag / Bi / X (X represents other metals). We will be in the future of the article will be more specific to discuss the different materials and weaknesses.
Flux Flux should not be overlooked except that the alloy is a consideration and choice. Different alloys have different density weights, have different melting surface tension, different melting temperatures, and different oxidation characteristics. This also tells us that the flux Flux formula will appear differently than lead (Note 1). Since the flux formulation has been a trade secret for a solder paste supplier, the user is not easy to know the actual characteristics. But it is foreseeable that this change will have a greater impact on the welding process, followed by the solder paste printing process. For the patch process, the estimated impact is very slight.
It may only be necessary for special care in certain applications. Materials in addition to solder, the main devices and PCB. In the device, there are two need to give attention and consideration. First, the type of components and components of the device, the other is the heat resistance of the device body. In the lead-side material, even in lead-free technology, not all solder ends are made of lead metals such as Ag / Pd, Ni / Au, and Sn, Ni / Pd, Ni / Au / Cu, etc. Do not contain lead ingredients. And these materials are confirmed to be compatible with some lead-free solder. So in the device welding material, we are facing the problem is not too difficult. But at least there are three problems plagued us.
The first is a module device (such as filters, oscillators, protection circuits, etc.) a level of assembly problems. Since these devices may be subjected to high-temperature treatment when they are assembled at the secondary stage, it is generally necessary to use an alloy solder having a higher melting temperature than that required for secondary assembly welding. At present, R & D in this area is far less than the two assembly technology R & D investment and more. And because of the higher temperature, the heat resistance of all materials and higher requirements.
This also further increases the difficulty. Although there are solutions, but the high temperature lead-free solder type, high cost. The second problem with the device is the problem of lead-free and lead-free mixing during the transition. Since lead-free and lead-free materials are not fully compatible, this mix will give us some problems. Such as lack of temperature tolerance, poor solder joints, and "lead pollution" and so on. The third problem is that lead-free technology has many options on solder alloys, and the solder bumps of these devices, the various solder and what solder joint materials are compatible and compatible with how many, the current Test data is limited. This increases the user's choice of risk and difficulty. The overall heat resistance of the device will also be a consideration.
As the melting point of lead-free solder is generally higher than lead (more